Welcome to the Style Gear Bootyband Family!! 

Bootyband’s brilliant yet simple design makes them an obvious fitness accessory for anyone with booty beautification goals. For those unfamiliar, booty bands are mini loop resistance bands that you slip your feet or legs into to apply resistance to your natural movement patterns. Let’s explore some of the hidden treasures that booty bands help deliver:

Our bodies are similar to machines where all body parts work together in harmony when performing at optimal levels. Booty bands help achieve this synchronicity by engaging multiple muscle groups at once during each booty band workout.
Training with Style Gear Bootybands is beneficial to use in conjunction with nearly all-lower body exercises such as squats, lunges, side lunge, side steps, kicks, extensions, and even dancing. We’ll get into a few of these booty workout options shortly;)

Style Gear Bootybands naturally engage and strengthen your core, which is where all movement in your body emanates. A strong core not only looks great in Bikinis but helps your body perform at optimal levels. For this reason, many consider the core to be your girdle of strength and the primary focus of any exercise or athletic movement.

Style Gear Bootybands helps protecting your joints by strengthening all the small stabilizer muscles around them. Often times with repetitive movement or inactivity your small muscles are neglected, and over time, they may protect your joints to a diminishing degree. The stronger your stabilizer muscles are, the less pressure needs to be absorbed in your joints. Strong agile muscles, both large and small, lend themselves to high performing joints.

The bands apply gentle pressure around your legs to keep your body aligned, your legs spaced correctly, and improve your form. Often times just having the band(s) around your legs makes you think about correct posture and is a positive step in the right direction.

We typically recommend purchasing them in sets of 2 or 3. This is not because we are capitalists, but rather because different exercises require a different resistant/power.
Here are a few examples of Bootyband Workouts you can try in the gym or at home.

Adding a band blasts your normal squat and takes this exercise to the next level. Your booty has to work hard to fight your knees from buckling together. This simple yet functional detail helps build good habits, stability, and ground-force mobility.

Slip on the bands up just above your knees in the squat position and perform half squats or full squats for a deep booty burn. Slow down your tempo to increase the intensity. You can also hold your squat in a low seated static position or bounce slowly at the bottom for an added challenge. Feel free to use with or without additional free weights.

This lateral extension exercise works wonders for the legs, bums and, core. Simply slide band just above your knees to get started. Perform a normal side lunge on a flat surface or step up on a stair or elevates surface for an added challenge. As you lower your butt, make sure to squeeze your thighs and glutes before stepping up and bringing both legs together.

MY FAVOURITE! Most of you may see me doing this either in the gym or social media! This is an incredibly effective exercise for targeting the muscles around your hip complex, glutes, and core. The hip thrust / glute bridge force your muscles to work together harmoniously to perform one coordinated movement pattern. Start by placing the band around your thighs, just above your knees. Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor, around hip distance apart. You can begin with your shoulders on the ground or on an elevated surface. Arms should be by your sides with уоur back flat and your heels close to your body.
Initiate the movement by pressing into your heels and lifting your hips up to make a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. At the top of your ‘bridge’ refrain from touching your knees by keeping the glutes, core, and outer thighs contracted. Then lower down and repeat. Try holding at the top and pulsing up and down until you burn out or fatigue for an added challenge. You’ll love these!
Of cause you can use while you’re doing Barbell Hip Thrust! (Yes you see me doing it often)

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There’re 3 different muscles in your Glutes !! Can you name them?
They’re Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus. 
The three muscles originate from the ilium and sacrum and insert on the femur.
The functions of the muscles include extension, abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation of the hip joint.
That being said, 1workout won’t cover all these 3 muscle group unfortunately… 

SO to approach all these muscles, you will need to perform
3 different Vector, Load and Effort!!  (see below)

*Extra knowledge
Gluteus maximus is the second strongest muscle in the human body.
The number one is Jaw, average ppl have 73kg+ of biting pressure (up to 100kg like professional athletes) = 162pounds per square inch (PSI) Yup surprise, isn’t it!!

Check out more basic exercises in the
“step by step Bootyband Workout” section on our website.